Sudden or ongoing plumbing problems can damage your home as well as your belongings. There are a few tips provided below so that you have some help with starting to fix all your plumbing problems.
Anchoring your pipes can eliminate the hammering and squeaking noises caused by loose pipes and fitting. You will need to anchor any exposed pipes. For pipes that are situated inside walls, or the floor or ceiling, you should hire a professional.
If your water pipe has frozen, start water running in the faucet closest to the frozen pipe. This will give excess water somewhere to drain as the ice in the pipe thaws. This reduces pressure to keep the pipe from bursting, which could prevent a big mess in your home.
Septic Tank
Pump your septic tank about once every five years, to make sure it is working well. Doing this prevents any sediment from getting built up within the tank, which causes a backup in your home or causes your entire septic system to fail. There is a cost to having a company pump out your septic tank. But, a serious backup can cost a lot more if it mean replacing the tank.
Do not attempt to fix your garbage disposal by reaching in with your hands. Garbage disposals are not healthy places for hands to be, even if they are not running. You can look online to find the diagram for the disposal that you have.
Position a strainer over all drains to collect any particles that would otherwise go down the drain and possibly cause a stoppage. Whenever large particles become trapped in the strainer, remove them. You should clean out the strainer in your bathtub often.
Flush your drain with a constant stream of cold water when operating your drain mounted disposal unit. Cold water keeps blades sharp and allows for smoother disposal. Grease will stay solid and go through your drain with cold water; you don’t want gooey grease in your pipes.
Install water-saving shower heads to reduce your energy costs. Your shower consumes a majority of the hot water usage in your home. Invest in an energy-efficient shower head and you could save a hundred dollar every year on your water bill.
To lower the chance that you will have issues with your toilet, do not approach it like it’s a trash can. Don’t flush anything that is unlikely to dissolve and wind up clogging pipes, such as diapers, tissues, paper towels and cotton balls. Also, try to use the smallest amount of toilet paper you can.
If you want to try a pipe cleaner because your pipes are obstructed, it is recommended you use a cleaner that is enzyme based. These are cleaners that work by using natural bacteria to eat away at your clog, and turn it into a liquid that is then flushed from your pipes. Some of the finest cleaners are enzyme cleaners.
If there is grout stuck in your line, it is most likely going to be a lost cause attempting to clean it all yourself. Do your best to break it up and flush it down. Plastic pipes would have better results than metal. However, ultimately it usually requires a professional to rid you of this problem.
Garbage Disposal
When using the garbage disposal, do not even bother running the water. It is popular belief that running water will help the garbage disposal work, but this is mistaken. The truth is that water could make garbage stick to the disposal, which might create a problem later.
If possible, try not to use drain cleaners. There are some harsh, corrosive chemicals found in these drain cleaners. That’s why they work so well to knock out clogs. Over time, they will corrode your pipes. If you find that your drain is clogged, think about hiring a plumber to do a estimate and tell you what the issue is.
If sewage is overflowing your toilet, then check the connection between your home’s sewage line and the city sewage line. Get help from a professional. A plumber will run a snake in the line to clear it.
Those valves that rarely get used have a way of fusing together. Periodically turn these valves off and one. Use specially designed oils that can work their way through the buildup to keep them loosened up and operable.
Consult your Department of Consumer Affair if you’re looking to hire a plumbing contractor. You will be able to check their license and know if people have complained about this specific contractor. If they don’t generate appealing results, you can simply move forward and find someone who does.
It is essential that you know where your main cut-off valve is for your water supply on your property. There should be a nearby water meter. Toilets, sinks and fixtures might have cut-off valves, as well. Inform all the members of your family where they can find the valve, and also show them how to shut them off if they are leaking.
If you notice water dripping or signs of water staining on your walls, you should immediately turn off your water supply and notify a plumber. This may mean you have serious plumbing problems. This sort of problem could cause a flood, a mold problem or a mildew infestation.
A water heater that has no tank is a good choice for those that are conservation-minded. These heaters only heat water when it is needed, so they do not store any water the way a regular heater does. This saves lots of money on energy by not heating water that is not being used currently.
Plumbing problems may be troublesome, but with patience and work, you may fix them. Research is going to be your best friend in helping you to get your plumbing in tip-top shape. Keep the above tips handy to save time, money and effort.