How To Deal With Common Plumbing Problems

TIP! You should have your septic tank pumped once every five years for best performance. This will stop any buildup in your septic tank and prevent any horrible issues.

You need to take care of any plumbing situation properly. If you are not sure how to do this, perhaps some advice to point you in the right direction is all you need. This article provides several tips that can serve as a great starting point.

TIP! Stay away from bleach tablets, blue tablets for the toilet and other toilet odor removers. While these tablets may be an easy way to clean your toilet and hide odors, they also contain chemicals that can break down the rubber fixtures in your toilet.

If one of your water pipes freezes, turn on the tap to the faucet nearest the pipe so that the water has somewhere to exit as the pipe thaws. This helps to relieve the pressure in the pipe and may prevent bursting, which can prevent further damage to your home.

TIP! If you aren’t having any luck using a plunger on a clogged toilet, you may want to try pouring warm water into it from waist high. Repeat this as many times as necessary until your clog is gone, and you can flush normally once again.

Do not give a plumber the entire payment for a job until the whole job is completed. You may be required to put some money down before a job is started, but never pay the total cost until you know the job has been completed correctly. Agree with the plumber in advance on the job and payment.

TIP! Never try to fix a garbage disposal by putting your hand down into it. Your garbage disposal is a dangerous device, even when turned off.

You plumbing experiences will go much smoother if you know your tools, and have the knowledge of how to use each one. Use as many resources as you need, such as online or the library, to find the right information to repair your plumbing issues. Before attempting any repairs, plan ahead, or you may make a costly mistake.

TIP! It is important to clean your garbage disposal often to keep it functioning for many years. By regularly incorporating a routine using a combination of dish soap, lemon rinds, and even cherry pits, you can keep your disposal running smoothly and smelling as fresh as the day it was installed.

You can check for damage to the floors around the toilets by checking for soft areas. Straddle your toilet by rocking it from foot to foot to see if there’s any weakening or softness on the floor below you. You could save yourself money but noticing that problem sooner, rather than later.

TIP! Have all the plumbing repairs done in one visit. While you may be tempted to call the plumber whenever you have a slight problem, scheduling it all at once gives you the opportunity to save money to pay for the repairs.

Do not pour grease or other oils in your sink or down your drain. These materials may be liquid when you pour them in, but they will solidify and cause problems. Your garbage disposal is particularly vulnerable to this issue, as the fat solids will slow the motion of the blades. This results in the disposal operating less efficiently. See to it that you dispose the oils away from your sink.

Overflow Holes

TIP! Make sure to clean your dryer’s lint trap. This can prevent fires and malfunctions.

Check the overflow holes for clogs. These holes come into use if the skin overflows. Things can get problematic if they are clogged. Clear out your sink’s overflow holes every so often, while checking for any other problems or necessary repairs.

TIP! Frozen pipes can cost you a significant amount to repair. This can usually be prevented.

By installing water-conserving shower heads in your bathrooms, you can save money on your monthly water bill. Energy efficient shower heads can save you money on your energy bill and water bill. If you spend several extra dollars putting in energy-saving shower heads, you can potentially reduce your energy bill by $100 or more annually for every shower head used in your home.

TIP! If grout is stick within the line, it is likely useless to try cleaning it on your own. You can try to break up the grout and send it further down.

If you want to save a lot of time and money on plumbing repairs, prevention is the best weapon you have in your arsenal. Clogs present one of the top reasons for needing a major plumbing repair. Hair can clog drains. A great way to help prevent those clogs is to install a screen on top of the drain. Just make sure that it properly fits your drain. You can easily clean out the drain covers on a regular basis; it’s harder to remove hair from drains once it’s fallen into them.

TIP! It is important not to run water while using a garbage disposal. A common misconception is that if you flow water into the disposal while you’re putting solid items down there, the process will be smoother, but that just isn’t true.

When water pipes freeze, the damage can be extensive and costly. However, you can generally avoid this happening in the first place. First, you need to check your outside pipe to make sure it has the proper insulation. Once the temperature starts to drop, disconnect your hoses after you have drained them out, and make sure the outside faucet is turned off. If you do this, it will help you to save on repair bills.

TIP! To extend the life of your pipes, try to stay away from drain cleaners if you can. Drain cleaners contain very corrosive chemicals that can damage pipes if used too frequently.

If you need a plumber, check out their reviews before hiring. Some plumbers aren’t experienced or skilled enough to do certain jobs, which makes the problem worse. Check the reviews on any plumber you are considering, and ask friends and family for the name of a plumber that they use and trust.

TIP! Ensure the toilet is free of any leaks. An easy way to check for this is to drop some food coloring in the toilet tank.

If sewage is overflowing your toilet, then check the connection between your home’s sewage line and the city sewage line. If you cannot handle the problem on your own, then seek out a professional to come over and clear it.

TIP! Although plumbing mostly has to do with water, you still need many other skills to become a good plumber. A plumber must be familiar with all the water lines in a house so that repairs can be quick and effective when they are necessary.

If you are installing a new water heater and you notice a pipe extending from the drainage pipe, make sure this pipe is reconnected. This is probably the re-circulation pipe. It is handy for enabling the most efficient water usage.

Washing Machine

TIP! Don’t just use any drain cleaner. Some contain strong chemicals which could cause damage to your pipes.

If your washing machine’s drain pipe backs up, the first step is to snake it with a regular pipe snake. Lint can build up in the washing machine and cause a clog, which will lead to overflowing.

TIP! You need to learn the size of the hot water tank needed for your home if you want to use your water heater in the most efficient manner possible. Knowing how many appliances and people use the hot water in the house can help you become aware of the size that is best for your house.

When you want to unclog a drain, it’s better not to use chemical drain openers. These chemicals can open your drain but they also may hurt you if you get them on your skin. If you must use them, wear long sleeves and gloves.

TIP! It is inadvisable to use drain openers containing harsh chemicals in order to open a clogged drain. These products do help open a clogged drain, but the chemicals they contain may damage the body, and this is especially true if it gets on the skin.

The tips and advice supplied below are a great starting source for information when you are ready to deal with your own plumbing issues. You need to take care of plumbing problems the proper way, or if you hire a professional, make sure you hire the right one. These tips deserve to be used.