There are lots of problems that can arise when dealing with plumbing. Some mishaps are easily correctable, while others are not. Whatever the situation you find yourself in, it’s best to be educated on plumbing if you want to be able to take care of things around the house.
If your pipes freeze, turn on the water from the faucet nearest them to let water out when they start to thaw. This relieves the pressure contained in the pipe as it also prevents it from bursting, which would reduce the damage done to your house.
Knowing which tools to use and how you should use them is an important skill when it comes to plumbing. Read all of the equipment’s manuals and read up as much as you can on plumbing projects. Don’t just blindly rush into a project. Plan each project so that you don’t make costly mistakes.
Don’t use bleach tablets, odor removers or those blue tablets in your toilet. They can clean the bowl and remove odors, but they also damage the soft plastic and rubber parts in and around your toilet.
If you have a clogged toilet and a plunger is not helping to clear the blockage, if the water level is low, pouring a bucking of boiling water from a height into the toilet bowl could resolve the problem. Once the water level is low again, you may repeated this procedure.
If something is wrong with the disposal in your sink, avoid the temptation to stick your hand in there to fix it. Garbage disposals pose a serious risk, even when flipped off. Try to find a diagram, or troubleshooting guide for your particular disposal on the Internet.
Keep grease, fat and oil out of your kitchen drain. When they cool down, they get hard and that will cause clogs in your sink drains. Your garbage disposal is particularly vulnerable to this issue, as the fat solids will slow the motion of the blades. This results in the disposal operating less efficiently. You should dispose of all oils outside of the sink.
If your house uses well water and you start to see orange or pink stains in your tub and other water fixtures, you have too much iron in your water. A water softener is the easiest way to solve hard water problems relating to rust, but you can also consult a plumber if you are unsure.
To keep your garbage disposal working at its best, use plenty of cold water when you turn it on. Cold water keeps blades sharp and allows for smoother disposal. Avoid using hot water, as this will liquefy grease, causing it to build up in the drain and obstruct your pipes.
Shower Heads
Installing efficient shower heads could save you a lot of money when it comes to your energy bill. Most of the hot water we use is used while we are showering. Investing just a few bucks in these newer shower heads can yield triple digit annual savings.
To minimize potential problems with your toilet, avoid using it as a trash receptacle. Don’t flush anything that is unlikely to dissolve and wind up clogging pipes, such as diapers, tissues, paper towels and cotton balls. Also, you want to use the least amount of toilet paper to clean yourself.
The dryer has a lint trap that must be kept clean. This can prevent various problems, including a fire. Regularly check your dryer’s lint trap to see if it has any tears or holes that could potentially damage your dryer, and clog up your plumbing.
If you have grout caught in your line, it’s most likely impossible for you to clean yourself. You could dislodge the grout and cause it go further down. It works better if you have plastic pipes instead of metal pipes. Calling a plumber can be expensive but damaging your pipes will cost a lot more.
Garbage Disposal
Running cold water while using your garbage disposal is recommended even though some people insist that you don’t have to. Water will not make your garbage disposal run smoothly. The opposite is actually true. The running water can cause the disposal to clog, causing a plumbing problem.
You can research a plumber online, even if you did not choose them. If your insurer has just given you the name of a plumber, see if they have a website, read any testimonials and other feedback so you know what to expect once they arrive at your home.
If you need to hire a plumber, make sure you check them out before you give them the job. Some plumbers aren’t experienced enough to work on certain issues, and it’s possible they may make things worse. Always check the reviews on plumbers, and ask those you trust if they have any recommendations.
As was said in the introduction, there are a lot of different things that can cause your plumbing system to fail. If you use the tips you have just learned, you will have an easier time fixing whatever problems you may encounter.