Do you have any confidence in your personal plumbing skills? Do you want to learn tips to help you deal with your problems yourself? If you have decided to learn more about how to better maintain your home’s plumbing, read on for some ideas. This article contains tips that will advise you on how to improve your home plumbing system.
Noisy pipes that make squeaking or hammering sounds are an easy problem to fix. Anchor any easily-accessible loose pipes. Pipes that are contained within the floors, walls and ceilings may need to be attended by a professional plumber.
Inspect around the toilets for softness in the floors to see if any damage has occurred. Straddle your toilet and gently rock foot to foot to see if your floor feels a little weak or soft. As with many problems, early detection can save you a lot of money.
Put strainers in the bottoms of your drains to stop any clogging agents from escaping down the drain. Thoroughly clean the strainer on a regular basis. The ones in your bathtub should also be cleaned frequently, as needed.
Avoid putting grease, fat, and other oils down your drain. Oils will eventually harden and clog up your drain. If the sink has a garbage disposal, it will also make the blades less efficient. You should dispose of all oils outside of the sink.
Water that leaves behind pink or orange tinged stains has an excessive amount of iron. To get rid of this problem, you can either use a commercial product to soften the water, or have a contractor come to your home and do the work for you.
Garbage Disposal
Run cold water through your garbage disposal. The blades will stay sharper, and the overall disposal process will run smoother. Don’t use hot water while running the garbage disposal. Hot water converts the grease in your trash to liquid form. When the liquified grease goes down the drain, it clogs the pipes.
Remember that your toilet is not intended to be used to dispose of trash. Don’t put disposable sanitary objects down the toilet. The sewage system cannot deal with these items and will become clogged. Also, use as little toilet paper as possible to clean yourself properly.
Frozen pipes can cost you a significant amount to repair. Fortunately, it’s usually an avoidable problem. First, ensure that all outside pipes have sufficient insulation. When it gets colder, disconnect and drain the hoses and turn the outside faucet off. Be proactive about this and save on future repair bills.
If you have grout caught in your line, it’s most likely impossible for you to clean yourself. The grout can be broken up and sent further down. Having plastic pipes rather metal pipes will work a lot better. Yet keep in mind that it is probably going to take professional work to eradicate this problem for you.
When using the garbage disposal, do not even bother running the water. Water does nothing to make the garbage disposal work more efficiently, even though many people seem to think that it makes the process smoother. Some things can stick to the disposal, and cause it to become damaged beyond repair.
Check your toilet regularly for leaks. A good tip for this is to take food coloring and put a few drops in your toilet tank. Keep your eyes on the toilet bowl, and if the colored water seeps into the bowl, you know that there is an issue with your toilet that you will need to take care of soon.
A common problem with toilets is that sewage will on will back up and flow into the toilet. This happens because of a blockage within the branch lines that connect the main line to the sewage line. You can run a device through this called a snake to try to clean up the clog. Or you can also purchase some specific drain cleaner and hope that works. If not, you’ll have to call in the professionals.
You need to make sure outside faucets are covered and not dripping as winter approaches. If they are, you will need to make the necessary repairs before the freezing temperatures arrive. Regardless of whether you have steel, plastic or copper pipes, the water in them expands when it freezes and will make the pipes crack. Even the most minute crack can cause a big enough leak to create flooding or water damage and mold in your home.
Infrequently used valves can stiffen with age and become inoperable. You can prevent them from becoming fused by regularly maintaining them with a penetrating oil, and running water through them on a regular basis.
People are often hesitant to begin home plumbing jobs because they feel they could end up making the situation much worse. Avoiding this is as simple as being aware of one fact. Know where your main water valve is so you can quickly turn off your water supply and prevent water damage.
Drain Cleaner
Make sure you take great care in what type of drain cleaner you use. Sometimes they have very harsh chemical agents that damage your pipes. Choose a drain cleaner that is well-known and whose label says it will not harm pipes. Certain compounds obliterate the microorganisms that plumbing pipes need to work right, and others are even dangerous to people.
Now that you have read this article, you are probably anxious to get started on plumbing repairs. If you research your problem and get the right tools, you should be able to fix any issue. If one of these techniques doesn’t work out, try another until you are happy with the results.