We all have questions on plumbing on occasion. Be it a do-it-yourself repair or just general preventative maintenance, we need plumbing advice. This article will help you with both repairs and maintenance, so that you are prepared to deal with any plumbing situation you may face.
Obnoxiously loud pipes that like to squeal and hammer are easy situations to correct. Exposed pipes need to be anchored. You might have to call a professional to help finish the project if pipes are in floors, ceiling or walls.
To keep your pipes from getting frozen, always maintain a temperature in the house above freezing and make sure all pipes exposed to outside elements are insulated properly. Pipes have the potential to freeze if the surrounding temperatures are below the freezing mark. It takes time for thawing to occur so you can have water again. Frozen pipes can also burst, which can be very messy and expensive to repair.
Your plumbing experience can go a lot smoother when you know your tools, as well as how to handle them properly. Make sure you read all the directions and manuals, while also taking advantage of online resources and the library to help you with your projects. Prior to attempting any repairs, be certain to plan ahead in order to avoid expensive errors.
You need to avoid using any kind of tablet or odor remover in your toilet if at all possible. These tablets have chemicals that can damage rubber parts that are essential to the proper functioning of your toilet.
If the water in your toilet is low along with the toilet being clogged, pour some extra water in the bowl to make the plunger effective again. Do this every time the water level gets too low.
Garbage Disposal
Never reach into a garbage disposal that you think isn’t working. Garbage disposals are not healthy places for hands to be, even if they are not running. Troubleshooting techniques and schematics of your garbage disposal are available on the Internet.
Check the floor for soft areas around the toilet to determine floor damage. An easy way to test for floor softness is by straddling the toilet and shifting your weight. If the floor feels soft when you do this, you have floor damage. You can save money by noticing and treating this problem as early as possible.
Keep the drains in your bathtub working properly by pouring a cup’s worth of baking soda and than a cup’s worth of vinegar directly down your drain every month. Cover with a rag or plug, as a chemical reaction will occur in the pipes. After a few minutes,just flush the drain out with water that has reached a boiling point. This method clears out soap scum buildup and accumulated hair that gets caught in the pipes.
Overflow Holes
Check your fixtures to ensure the overflow holes are clear of debris and mineral build-up. These holes come into use if the skin overflows. Things can get problematic if they are clogged. Clean overflow holes as part of your annual maintenance, and any other time you are handling general plumbing repairs.
Always use cold water when your garbage disposal is running. The cold water will help keep the blades nice and sharp and will allow for a much smoother disposal. Avoid using hot water, as this will liquefy grease, causing it to build up in the drain and obstruct your pipes.
If you notice water draining into your dishwater, check your kitchen sink. The hose might not be installed properly. The hose from your sink to your dishwasher needs to go upward before going back down so that there is no mixing between fixtures.
Clean your dryer’s lint trap. This can prevent fires and malfunctions. Search the lint trap to see if there are any tears or holes, this helps to prevent lint from getting into the pipes, which can cause clogs and many other problems.
Prevention is necessary when you want to keep plumbing bills down. One of the most common repairs involves fixing drain clogs. Drains can be clogged by hair. You can prevent hair from getting into your drains by simply installing a device on top of your drain such as a screen, which will trap the hair from getting into the pipes. Taking the hair off of the screen and disposing of it is cheaper and easier than removing it from the pipes.
If grout is stuck in your plumbing, getting rid of it is likely not going to be a do it yourself project. You can try to break it up to send it on down the line. This works much better if your home has pipes made of plastic. You may eventually have to get a professional to solve this problem.
Avoid using drain cleaners as much as possible. The chemicals that these cleaners are made up of are corrosive, and will damage the pipes in your house if you overuse them. If your drain frequently blocks, then call a professional to see what the real problem is, and get it solved once and for all.
Ensure your toilet does not have any leaks. To check, squeeze a few food coloring drops in the toilet tank. Watch your toilet bowl, if you see some colored water, you will see that you are dealing with a issue that should be dealt with.
You need to make sure outside faucets are covered and not dripping as winter approaches. Checking them before winter is the best time, so you can make any repairs before the temperature gets down to freezing. Whatever material your pipes are built from, very cold water pressure can make pipes crack. Even a small crack can cause a lot of damages to your home.
Use services like the Consumer Affairs Department to find a reputable contractor. You can make sure that their license is up to date and if there are any negative complaints against them. If they don’t generate appealing results, you can simply move forward and find someone who does.
You need to be educated before something happens. If you do maintenance regularly, you can prevent problems. Use the advice in the article above to maintain and fix your home’s plumbing.