Once in a while, everyone has a question about plumbing. Knowing how to take care of your system and fixing minor issues can save you a lot of money. This article will give you the information that you need for when those plumbing emergencies arise.
Frozen Pipes
To eliminate the possibility of having frozen pipes, maintain a constant temperature in your home above freezing, and be certain to adequately insulate those pipes that are out in the weather. Obviously, frozen pipes occur due to freezing environmental conditions. It may take time to thaw so that you can have running water. However, frozen pipes commonly break or crack pipes, leading to flooding and costly repairs.
Don’t use any colored tablets that claim to be cleaners in your toilet. They can clean the bowl and remove odors, but they also damage the soft plastic and rubber parts in and around your toilet.
You should make sure not to put oils down the drain, such as grease and fat. They might be in liquid form, but after they cool off, they will solidify and make a clog in your drain pipe. Grease is of particular concern when there is a disposal unit installed in your drain. It can cause the unit to lose efficiency. You should dispose of all oils outside of the sink.
If you have a well at your home and notice pink or orange stains around the drains of your tub or sink, this is most likely caused by an excess of iron in your water. A water softener can cure this problem and can be installed by you, or you may opt to have a professional to come and install it for you.
Overflow Holes
Be sure that the overflow holes are free of debris. Sinks use overflow holes if they start to overfill, and this isn’t usually a problem, but it can be. When you do periodic checks for any other problems or repairs that are needed, take the time to clear the holes that are there to protect you from overflow.
By installing water-conserving shower heads in your bathrooms, you can save money on your monthly water bill. Most of your water bills comes from the water you use to shower. If you spend several extra dollars putting in energy-saving shower heads, you can potentially reduce your energy bill by $100 or more annually for every shower head used in your home.
If you need to buy a pipe cleaner to unclog your pipes, it is best to find one that is enzyme based. These are cleaners that work by using natural bacteria to eat away at your clog, and turn it into a liquid that is then flushed from your pipes. The best these days are the enzyme cleaners.
Trying to clean grout caught in a line by yourself is fruitless. You can try to break it up to send it on down the line. Plastic pipes would have better results than metal. This usually requires professional people to come in to help you get rid of this problem.
When you have to take out the clean out plug, but it is not coming out, you can remove it using one of two ways. You can loosen the fitting around the plug using a hammer and chisel. The only other method is to take the chisel and use it right through the plug.
You may not have a choice when selecting a plumber for your residence, but you can look them up and view their credentials. If the insurance company you have scheduled a plumber for you, you could always check out the website and the reviews and feedback left by customers, so you are more comfortable and ready when they arrive.
Check your toilet for leaks. Drop a few food coloring drops inside your toilet tank to test for leaks. Watch the bowl, and if you see colored water within a few seconds, you know that you have a problem that needs to be handled soon.
If you have a toilet that is backing up, this can be from a blockage. You can run a device through this called a snake to try to clean up the clog. Or you can also purchase some specific drain cleaner and hope that works. If not, you’ll have to call in the professionals.
Be sure to check that your faucets on the outside of your home are free of leaks as winter approaches. If the faucets have these problems, they will have to be repaired before temperatures reach the freezing point. Pipes that are made of copper, steel, or plastic are vulnerable to cracking when water freezes and increases the pressure. Even a very small crack can cause significant water damage or even can flood your entire home.
You should be aware of the location of the main valve for water cut-off on your property. A water meter should be located on or near it. Fixtures, such as sinks or toilets, may also be equipped with individual cut-off valves. Show your family members where these valves are, and then add markings that show how they should be turned off if an emergency occurs.
Study plumbing while your system is working perfectly so that you’ll be ready if it develops a problem. In addition, routine maintenance work can help prevent problems before they come up. Take the tips you’ve read here and implement them into your plumbing strategy, preparing you to keep your plumbing in great shape and deal with any problems as they arise.