The thought of fixing a plumbing problem can seem daunting if you do not know much about plumbing. Professional plumbers are extremely expensive, and often have long wait times. Why not solve the plumbing problem yourself? The following tips will help you solve your plumbing problems.
If you don’t want plumbing in your home frozen, then don’t let the inside temperature go under the freezing mark, and make sure any pipes that have no protection from the elements are thoroughly insulated. The pipes may freeze if the surrounding temperature drops below freezing. In the best situation, it can take hours for frozen pipes to thaw and water to run freely again. The worst case scenario is a busted pipe and a costly repair.
If you have a water pipe that freezes, have the tap closest to it turned on so the water can exit while the pipe thaws. This reduces pressure to keep the pipe from bursting, which could prevent a big mess in your home.
Septic Tank
Pump out your septic tank at least every five years to keep it in proper working condition. Having it cleaned out prevents the sediment from accumulating in the septic tank and creating a sewage backup in your house or triggering the meltdown of the entire septic system. The cost to have your tank pumped might be a little steep, but it sure beats the alternative of dealing with sewage in your home or on your property.
If the water in your toilet is low along with the toilet being clogged, pour some extra water in the bowl to make the plunger effective again. Once the water is lower, do this again.
Don’t pour cooking grease, leftover frying fat or any oils down your sink drain. When they cool, they will harden and create clogs in your drains. Even with a garbage disposal, you are going to cause it to be less efficient and risk drain backups. Pour the grease and oil into a can to cool, put it in the trash.
If your home runs on well water and you notice any orange or pink stains in your fixtures or tub, this is because of iron in your water. You will need a water softener in order to take care of this problem, which you could purchase at a local store, or hire someone to go to your home and fix it for you.
Garbage Disposal
Keep your garbage disposal clean to make sure it lasts for awhile. By regularly “cleaning” the disposal with lemon rinds, cherry pits and dish soap, you can make sure that your garbage disposal is running well and smelling so clean it could be new.
However, if you mix a cup of vinegar and a cup of baking soda and send them down your tub’s drain each month, the flow will keep going smoothly. Afterward, place a washcloth or towel over the top of the drain, to keep the chemical reactions contained. After giving the mixture time to work, flush it out by running boiling water through the drain. This should help clear your pipes of accumulated hair and soap scum.
You should always put plenty of cold water through your garbage disposal while it is running. The cold water keeps your blades sharp, which helps your disposal run smooth. Hot water can clog your drain by allowing liquid grease to build up in it.
If you are seeing water at the bottom of the dishwasher, most likely this is due to a faulty setup of the hose that leads from the kitchen sink. Your hose must run in a hill pattern to avoid water mixing. Think of the St. Louis Arch — start from your sink, go uphill with the hose, and then down before connecting to the dishwasher. This way, only pressurized water can travel through the hose. Leakage won’t be an issue.
Clean the buildup of sediment from your aerator to increase your water pressure if it’s low. First, you need to remove the aerator, and then take it apart and clean it using a small brush that has been dipped in vinegar. Rinse the aerator, reassemble it and reattach it to the faucet. Clean the aerator, it might increase your water pressure.
When you grind things up in the garbage disposal, don’t run the water while doing so. It is popular belief that running water will help the garbage disposal work, but this is mistaken. Running water can help clear debris and keep the disposal’s temperature down, but it can also cause sticky materials to clog the disposal.
If you find yourself needing a plumber, don’t hire one until you have checked out his or her credentials. Hiring a plumber who is not experienced enough for your problem could make the situation worse. Make sure to look at any online reviews, or ask for a referral from a friend or family member.
The valves that are hardly ever used have their way of somehow fusing together. You can use penetrating oil to maintain them and turn the valves every once in a while so that they do not stick.
Many people don’t fully understand plumbing, so they pay whatever the plumber asks for. If you own a home, you need to at least be able to understand what a plumber is doing when he makes repairs. This will ensure that you are not ripped off.
Consider drain cleaning products and their active ingredients carefully. It is possible that your pipes may be damaged with the wrong type of cleaner. Always be sure to use products that claim to be safe for pipes. Your plumbing needs some forms of bacteria in order to work properly and the wrong chemicals can kill these good bacteria, as well as being toxic to people.
As you can see, plumbing problems don’t have to be so difficult. If you can solve the problem yourself, you can save time waiting for a plumber, as well as saving a whole lot of money. Try applying what you’ve learned from this article next time you have a plumbing problem!