How experienced are you with plumbing? Perhaps you could improve your skills. Do you possess the skills needed to perform basic repairs? If you are not confident in your knowledge, read the following tips.
Keep your plumbing flowing by maintaining a temperature above 32 degrees and wrapping up any exposed pipe works. The pipes will be able to freeze if the temperature surrounding the pipes drops below freezing. If they do freeze, you are looking at some time before they can thaw out, thus you will have to wait for running water. However, they could burst, which would cause a huge mess and an extremely big repair bill.
To prevent your frozen pipes from bursting, leave the nearest faucet on to give the water a way to escape. This will help relieve pressure in pipes to prevent them from bursting, which may prevent bigger damage for your home.
Garbage Disposal
Never try to fix a garbage disposal by putting your hand down into it. Garbage disposals can be dangerous, even when they are turned off. Look for a diagram of the garbage disposal you have on the Internet.
Check carefully around the base of your toilet for any damage caused by leaks. An easy way to test for floor softness is by straddling the toilet and shifting your weight. If the floor feels soft when you do this, you have floor damage. Discovering this issue sooner can mean big savings for your checking account, as compared to finding out about it later.
Use filters on all drains to prevent debris that might clog the pipes from getting through. The strainer used in the kitchen will need to be cleaned frequently. You should also clean your bathtub strainer any time it is slow to drain.
If your house uses well water and there are orange or pink stains in tubs or sinks, it’s because of the iron level in the water. A water softener will take care of the issue. This can either be done by yourself, or you can hire a professional to come and take care of.
Make sure that you’re always cleaning your garbage disposal regularly. Doing this will save you from having to repair or replace an expensive piece of equipment in the future. By regularly “cleaning” the disposal with lemon rinds, cherry pits and dish soap, you can make sure that your garbage disposal is running well and smelling so clean it could be new.
Baking Soda
Keep your bathtub in good shape by using a cup of baking soda and a cup of vinegar down its drain monthly. Cover the drain with a plug or rag as you wait for the chemical reaction between the vinegar and baking soda to happen in your pipes. After giving the mixture time to work, flush it out by running boiling water through the drain. Doing this will probably void your pipes of hair accumulations and soap scum.
To minimize potential problems with your toilet, avoid using it as a trash receptacle. You should never flush cotton balls, sanitary pads, tissues, paper towels, diapers, or certain other materials, because these things don’t dissolve and could clog up your toilet. Use the least amount of toilet paper you can when you use the toilet, too.
When you replace your shower head, be sure that the replacement head is high quality. In a lot of instances, folks decide they can get away with purchasing the most economical model on the shelf. Inexpensive shower heads are not terribly sturdy, though, and may not hold up to daily use.
If you have clogged pipes, try cleaning them with an enzyme pipe cleaner. This type of cleaner uses natural bacteria to transform sludge into liquid, that makes it disappear from the pipes. The best options on the market now are enzyme cleaners.
If you have frozen pipes that can be a very costly repair. However, most of the time, you can prevent this from happening. The first thing you should do is ensure your outside pipes are thoroughly wrapped or insulated. In addition, as the weather turns colder, make it a point to drain and detach your hoses. Finally, turn off the faucet located outside. Doing so can prevent some nasty repair bills a professional plumber would charge you.
Investigate the history of a plumber before hiring them. Some plumbers are simply not skilled or experienced enough to handle certain jobs, and they could even make your problem worse. Always look at plumber reviews, or ask friends and family if they can recommend one.
Check your toilet regularly for leaks. An easy way to check for this is to drop some food coloring in the toilet tank. Keep your eyes on the toilet bowl, and if the colored water seeps into the bowl, you know that there is an issue with your toilet that you will need to take care of soon.
Have you gained more knowledge about plumbing? Have you a better understanding of your home system? Is it a little bit less daunting for you to consider taking on plumbing tasks? Can you use components to your plumbing system now? Do you know how to properly use the equipment? Hopefully, you are better prepared to answer these questions and tackle your own plumbing projects after reading this article.